Connecting Threads has kitted Mountain Peaks in their new Icy Splendor fabric collection! They have kitted the Throw size, and what is really great is that two quilt kits will make the Queen size with just a tiny bit of waste! The quilt pattern included with the quilt kit includes all of the quilt sizes, so you'd be set!

Photo Credit Connecting Threads
The Mountain Peaks Quilt Pattern
The Mountain Peaks quilt pattern includes four quilt sizes - Baby, Throw, Queen, and King. The Twin bed size is not included because it doesn't work out mathematically.
This pattern uses five prints plus a background color to create sashed log cabin blocks. The setting triangles carry the design clear out to the edges of the quilt.
The Connecting Threads quilt kit creates an ombre effect with five fabrics in a single colorway. The five fabrics do not need to be in the same colorway, as shown in the stunning Fire version of Mountain Peaks, which I just realized I haven't shown you yet! Stay tuned for that.

Photo Credit Connecting Threads

Photo Credit Connecting Threads
Click here to get the Mountain Peaks quilt kit in Icy Splendor at Connecting Threads.
Click here to get the Mountain Peaks quilt pattern at Busy Hands Quilts.
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