Pattern Clarifications / Errata
A Scrappy Life
Block height has been verified in A Scrappy Life; the pattern is correct and works out mathematically. If the height of your strip sets is larger than what is stated in the pattern, your seam allowance is a tad bit too small. If the height of your strip sets is smaller than what is stated in the pattern, your seam allowance is a tad bit too big. Seam allowance is even more crucial when there are so many seams within a strip set; even being off a little bit can make 1/2" difference.
Background Cutting Instructions - King size only - the second bullet point should state 349 total, not 288 total.
Printed stapled Booklet format only - Page 9 Queen Layout should state "Refer to Page 6 for Quilt Top Assembly Instructions" not Page 7.
Ava's Garden
Page 1 Notes: There will be (...) total sets of 6 matching pieces each. (not 8)
Brick Cottage Lane 2
At the top of Pages 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 reference is made to Page 7 for General Instructions. This should state, refer to Page 5 for General Instructions.
Castle Dreams
If purchased before 06/18/2020, at the top of Page 3 the left column in the chart should read:
- Strip Set A (10" x 21"),
- Segment A (2.5" x 10")
- Block A (6.5" x 10")
If purchased before 04/28/2020, Fabric Requirements: Throw size change the 7 FQs for Light and Dark fabrics to 8 each.
If purchased PDF before 1/30/2020, Page 1 Cutting Instructions.
Replace this line: "IF USING 2-1/2” STRIPS (skip if using FQs or 2-1/2" strips):"
with "IF USING 2-1/2” STRIPS (skip if using FQs or 1/4-yard cuts):"
Fabric #4, Twin size only, Piece G should state 2-1/2" x 10-1/2" rectangles.
Fabric #5, Throw size only should state:
- Cut (2) 10-1/2” x WOF strips, from each strip sub-cut (16) 2-1/2” x 10-1/2” rectangles; 30 total. Label H.
- Cut (2) 12-1/2” x WOF strips, from each strip sub-cut (16) 2-1/2” x 12-1/2” rectangles; 30 total. Label I.
All other sizes remain as stated.
- Row 1: C
- Row 2: D
- Row 3: E
- Row 4: F
- Row 5: G
- Row 6: H
- Row 7: I
Home Awaits
If you question that the background strip for the pieced block is cut incorrectly in the instructions, please check your seam allowance. With a seam allowance even slightly over 1/4", the 4 seams (each with 2 pieces of fabric) would easily make the block too narrow. Many 1/4" presser feet are not accurate, so test yours out with some test strip sets. There is not an error in the pattern regarding the background piece width; it all works out mathematically with an exact 1/4" seam allowance.
Homeward Bound
Clarification: The B strips in Strip Set U are random.
If purchased before 10/15/2019. Page 7, please update the paragraph at the top of the page with the following:
"Trim quilt center if necessary, 1/4” outside the points where the Setting Triangles meet the Chain Blocks.
Press all border seams away from the quilt center. Join Inner Border strips end to end with straight seams. Then join Outer Border strips end to end with straight seams. Measure the quilt vertically through the center and piece two side Inner Border strips to fit. Attach side Inner Borders. Measure quilt horizontally through the center and piece two top/bottom Inner Borders to fit. Attach top and bottom Inner Borders. Measure quilt vertically through the center and piece two side Outer Border strips to fit. Attach side Outer Borders. Measure quilt horizontally through the center and piece two top/bottom Outer Border strips to fit. Attach top and bottom Outer Borders."
Key to My Heart
Page 3: For Block A, use A squares. For Block B, use B squares.
This revision does not apply to any pattern purchased from Busy Hands Quilts and applies only to a pattern download or a quilt kit from Connecting Threads in Faux Tweed Tonals.
Page 2 Background cutting instructions: The third bullet point Cut (16) strips, should end with Label 80 squares F and label 80 squares H.
Note that the color of the grayscale diagrams in the pattern do not correlate with the color of the fabrics. Place all pieces as indicated in the pattern by the unit labels, and do not follow the color of the diagrams for fabric placement.
Replace the diagram on Page 2 with the diagram below (F and H labels revised).
Cutting Instructions, Fabric #4, King size should read, "Cut (3) 2” x WOF strips, sub-cut each strip into (21) 2” squares; 61 total. Label 25 G and Label 36 K."
- Page 2, Cutting Instructions, Fabric #1 should read "rectangles" not "squares".
- Page 5, Block A HSTs, press toward the A4 piece.
- Page 5, Diagram 8, bottom row arrows should face inward toward the center square.
- Page 6, BE HSTs, press toward the B4 piece.
- Page 6, BB HSTs, press toward the B11 piece.
- Page 6, Diagram 8, bottom row arrows should face inward toward the center square.
Oh Happy Day!
Ombre Mountains
- To the Ombre version add the following: 294 Hyacinth, 295 Purple, 477 Zoe, 476 Berry Pie, 473 Antique Rose
- To the Allison Glass version add the following: 9387-O Tiger Menagerie, 9256-E1 Strawberry Embroidery, 9387-E Salmon Menagerie, 8450-E1 Iodine Stitched, 9387-P Dahlia Menagerie
Rolling Around
Shooting Stars
Skip to My Lou
Reference to dark gray and light gray are for the diagrams in the pattern, not the color of fabrics. The pattern states, "In Diagrams, Color 1 is Dark Gray, Color 2 is Light Gray, and Background is White." Per the illustration on the last page, dark gray is in the position of the Yellow on the cover quilt and is thus Color 1, and light gray is in the position of the Gray on the cover quilt and thus Color 2.
Sweet Caroline
Cutting Instructions, the first chart, Lap size, Fabric #1 Label A column should read 14 instead of 12. This does not change the Fabric Requirement for Fabric #1.