Today I'm sharing the Picket Fence in Violeta Throw size quilt!
You can find this quilt kit right here.
Picket Fence has been my best-selling pattern since I wrote it in 2015. Yes, over five years and still going strong! This is a testament to how much you quilters love simple, striking quilts that use precuts.

Image credit Connecting Threads
Layer cake or FQ friendly - and so many sizes and options!
The Picket Fence quilt pattern is layer cake and fat quarter friendly. You can also use scraps to cut a combination of squares and strips; just cut the number of pieces indicated in the pattern.
Picket Fence includes 7 sizes - Baby, Square and Rectangular Throws, Twin, Square and Rectangular Queens, and King.
The quilt pattern also includes two layout options - all of the blocks oriented vertically as in this quilt, or the blocks alternating direction. See the pattern cover for this option. The vertical layout wasn't thought of by me; it was one of you who laid out the quilt differently than the original quilt and sent the image to me. I love to see the quilts you make in my patterns!

Image Credit Connecting Threads
Fast and easy quilt pattern!
Picket Fence is strip pieced, so you won't be sewing small individual squares together here! Life is about making more quilts, so strip piecing is used whenever possible in my quilt patterns. Let's sew faster so we can make more quilts!
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